New Drop-in Rates Effective March 1, 2025
- COST: Drop-in Fee 1 hour class is $30 Members, $35 Associate Members and $40 Non-Members
- COST: Drop-in Fee 1.5 hour class is $35 Members, $40 Associate Members and $45 Non-Members
Classes that are FULL clearly state: CLASS IS FULL
- It is 100% up to Instructor if they allow DROP-INs or not to their classes for higher level classes
- No drop-ins allowed to lower level classes (e.g. Equipment #1)
- If Class is not listed as FULL on the website, no postings about drop-in
Photo by Janet Czaplinskiavailable will be made to the JAG list. Just contact the instructor and arrange drop-in. However note that some classes only have 1 spot.
- If Class is shown as FULL, an Instructor or Student may post about available spot to JAG List when it is available.
- All Drop-In requests HAVE to go to the Instructor. Instructors will be in charge of Drop-Ins.
1) You have to get OK from instructor for each drop-in
—-> Schedules and contact info is below
2) You will PAY instructor by Check. Check should be made out to JAG
3) It would be nice, if Along with check, you have paper that
indicate CLASS info for that drop in: Day, Time, Instructor, Date:
For example: Mon 6 PM Masters Handling, Jeri Prekop, 1/27/25