Gypsy Rose
The JAG Training program allows handlers to take multiple classes and, for higher level students, to also be able to periodically sign up for “BASIC HANDLING” Or Contacts/Weaves class to tune-up on critical skills
JAG Philosophy
The JAG training program will be designed to appeal to the widest assortment of agility students. Classes will be designed so that the student who wants to excel at the highest level will be given proper foundation and handling skills that will enable their dogs to perform to the best of the team’s ability.
For the student that wants to compete without concern of being competitive, the program will still teach foundation and basics. However, the student will be allowed to proceed through the program as long as their dog safely performs obstacles. The student will be advised that skipping some skills, for example the ability to have their dog perform a contact with the handler several feet away from the end of the contact, will affect their performance and ability to acquire some of the more advanced skills.
Lastly, for the student that has no intention of competing, but just wants to have fun with their dog, the program will allow the student to take classes as long as the dog performs obstacles safely. In addition, the student will be made aware that skills that are a requirement for entry into a particular class will not be addressed.
Handling Classes
Pre-Novice: This course is structured for the team that has completed Beginners I & II and is ready to start putting all of those skills together. The sequences are longer and the obstacle performance is more exacting thus preparing both dog and handler for a novice agility course. Dogs may still be working on contact and weave performance.
Sequencing: Geared toward Novice/Open dogs – weaves and contacts not necessary.

Photo by Barry Rosen
Class will address how to handle sequences commonly seen in upper-level courses.
Novice: This class is for the dog and handler team that is preparing to compete or has just started competing in novice. The courses will reflect what the team will encounter in the ring and rules will be discussed to prepare the team for competition.
Novice/Open: This class is geared for teams that are competing at the novice or open level. The courses are more complex and the handling more exacting. The instructor will guide the team through these courses to get the most out of each team.
Excellent/Masters: This class is geared for the excellent and masters level teams that are ready to take that next step up. The courses are tougher still and the skills required more solid. If you want to go out and win and not just get those Qs then this course is for you. The team will be coached through these difficult courses to do their best and given tips for continued successes in the ring.
International Handling/Diversified Skills: For dogs competing in Excellent/Masters or Instructor permission. This class will run on a variety of international style courses including UKI, USDAA Masters Challenges, and International.

Photo by M. Nicole Fischer
Small Dog Handling: Handling is handling, right? Big dog vs little –is there a difference? Are all handling challenges created equal when you run a little dog? Learn to use your dog’s size to your advantage on course. Learn to analyze a course and make handling choices with your dog’s size and strengths in mind. Learn what some of the troubles the little dogs have on course and how to train for them. Come and enjoy a class that is all about you and your small but mighty partner.
Handling Techniques: Short sequences that will allow handlers to learn or improve their execution of various handling techniques and skills. We will cover front, rear & blind crosses, back sides, wraps, sends, serpentines, threadles, spins, forced fronts, German turns, lap-turns etc. The focus will be to ensure you have the tools you need in your toolbox to address course challenges. This course is appropriate for dogs that have foundation and pre-novice handling skills. Equipment used will be jumps and tunnels.

Fine Tune Your Performance (Novice PrepClass): This class is for teams that want to work on sequencing but still need to fine tune equipment and/or handling performance. Class focus will be on any particular issue(s) each team has (contact performance, teeter, weave poles, start line, focus, etc.) while also incorporating these issues in sequences. Teams who need to finish up weave poles or other equipment performances are welcome.
Skills Classes
Beginner I: This course is an introduction to the agility equipment for both dogs and handlers. It is appropriate for both experienced handlers with new dogs and handlers who are new to agility. Emphasis is on teaching the obstacles safely and correctly while everyone has fun. Experienced handlers will be given lots of tips for future competition.
Beginner II: This class is the continuation of the Beginner I class. It builds on the skills already learned in I and continues to strengthen these skills. Obstacle performance is still stressed and small sequences and handling maneuvers are introduced.
Obedience/Agility Foundation Skills: For dogs that are new to agility. Focuses on the skills needed to learn agility, focus, attention, distractions and foundation skills needed to perform obstacles.
Foundation Games: Do you struggle with zoomies, attention and focus, speed and motivation, connecting with your dog? Then this class is for you! Learn lots of different games you can play with your dog to increase drive and focus. Inject some fun into your training!
Jumping Skills for the Canine Athlete: This class is designed to keep dogs educated on the most used piece of equipment in agility – the jump! Each week we will work on jumping skills utilizing grid work, turning, circle work, extension, collection and exercises over spreads. Participants will work on keeping their jumping skills sharp. This class is great for starting young dogs as well as keeping competition dogs in tune.

Skills and Drills: Short sequences for the more experienced dog and handler that will test your toolbox of skills.
Distance Skills-Train the Gamble: For teams wishing to work on distance skills.Each week we will train a send/gamble sequence.
Contacts and Weaves Proofing: Just as the name implies this class is designed to help the dog and handler team perfect their contact and weave performance. It is appropriate for all levels and can be taken at the same time as the regular progression of classes.
Independent Weave Poles: Stop babysitting the weave poles and put the time into getting the independent weaves you really want!! This class will evaluate your dog’s current weave pole skill level and focus on improving weave entries, your dog’s weave commitment and independence with distractions to improve overall weave performance. This class is appropriate for dogs who have a basic understanding of how to perform weave poles but might be challenged with some entries, or be popping out before the end or could be weaving slower than you would like to see.